Veriflite is a Time of Flight machine that times routines / syncro Routines and also the 10 bounce Times that we do as a part of your gymnasts training. This App allows each individual Gymnast keep a record of their progress and also can be used by Coaches and Parents to view the information to make adjustments to assist in current goals

The START button works like any other time of flight machine - press during the first skill and the routine will be timed from the previous take-off.
While timing the routine the button will change to RESTART, pressing this will clear the routine and start again at the current bounce.
The routine data is shown as each bounce is completed.

There is no need for a stop button, as the score for a partial routine can be read from the Score column.
The routine will stop once ten skills are completed or when the gymnast stops bouncing.

The data from a trampoline pair is analysed for scoring synchronised trampoline. The sensors pair with each other to synchronise their timings.

Tap on the name to select that trampoline.
When the Autoselect active trampoline option is set, the app will select any trampoline with bounce activity; it will stay on that trampoline until the athlete stops bouncing and then it will restart looking for bounce activity.

Once the data is stored on the phone you are then able to analyze this by tapping the yellow circle on the main screen.
you can turn it into graphs or just review the data from the TAGS that you create.