NDP Regional Comp Jan 2019 Results

Our first NDP competition of 2019 was held on 27th January in Cannock
First time for the Club to have every one competing in a regional competition which resulted in everyone getting through to the NDP team finals.
This is amazing and all the Coaches and Myself are so proud of you all and the dedication you have shown in the run up to this event!
(please see videos that have been submitted here VIDEOS NDP JAN 2019
NDP 1 - 2 somersault routine
Abi White 5th age 9-10,
Anya Watson 1st age 11-12 female,
Finley Hughes 1st and Jacob Avis 2nd age 11-12 boys.
Joanne Adams 9th age 13+ Girls
Mark Powell 4th age 13+.Mens
NDP 2 - 3 somersaults routine
Francesca Watson 1st age 9-10.
Ruby Byatt 4th, Evie Hirst 8th in age 11-12.
Amy Donavon 3rd, Georgina Hearn 11th age 13+.
NDP 3 - 5 somersaults routine
Dylan Abbit 1st age 13+
NDP 4 - 6 somersault routine
Maddie Bee 3rd age 11-12.
Carys Appleyard 2nd and Kaitlin Porter 3rd age 13+ (this was so close with only a 0.1 difference)
From the competition early in the session
NDP1 Katie Hipwell
NDP2 Eve Street, Emily Maxey, Naomi Shaw
NDP4 Erin Lloyd also got through to the NDP team finals in March.
Fantastic results, Congratulation to you all and Good Luck for the regional selections on Sunday 3rd March!